Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Month has been and GONE!

Today (1st October 2007) Reid commences Cycle 5 of his chemotherapy. So much has happened over the past month and I am sorry that I have not kept this page up to date. No doubt though most of you reading will have heard all the ups and downs we have experienced recently but just to refresh your memory (and mine) I will go through it all.
We returned to RBH on the 30th August for a chest x-ray and blood tests, then at 9am on the 31st August we commenced cycle 4 of chemo. As you know it was thought Reid had Chickenpox...but after three Doctors inspected what was left of his spots it was confirmed that he did NOT have Chicken Pox. Dr tim Hassall said it was more likely Coxsaci Virus...Hand Foot and Mouth! I was filled with a mixture of releif and anger...and deciced to deal with these feelings later.
Reid was really well during cycle 4 and Mum and I were very surprised at how well he handled the chemo. River fire was on and our room had a perfect view over the Brisbane skyline for all the fireworks and the BIG F1-11 Dump and burn! It was planned to do a Stem cell Harvest after this cycle so Reid had a small insuflon (like a small canula) inserted into his leg so I could give him GCSF injections daily for the next week. This was a harrowing experience and I seemed to get just as upset as he did. However we did get better and handled the whole thing in our stride....eventually. On the 9th August we were admitted into Hospital in preparation for the Vascath insertion. This is a small tube that was to be inserteted into Reid's neck and is used to filter his blood for Stem cells. However Reid spiked a temp of 40 degrees and over the next few days developed extreme Mucositis in his stomache, and osephargus. So once again we missed the opportunity to have a Stem Cell Harvest. To add a bit more drama to all the proceedings, Reids blood cultures grew a small Bacteria so if they had gone ahead with the Stem Cell Harvest then they would have had to through all the cells away as they would have been contaminated. We got out of Hospital Saturday 15th August.
16th August - Reid had an Echo cardiogram on his Heart
We now had to go to Plan D.. as Dr Tim said meant "Don't Worry!. The insuflon was inserted again and Reid and I commenced another four days of GCSF injections. (These injections are used to stimulate the Bone Marrow to producing Stem Cells). We started these on Friday 21st.
Monday 24th Reid had a GFR test, this is a kidney test - All wen Well.
Tuesday 25th Reid had a Bone Marrow Harvest under General anesthetic (Plan D). We were in Day surgery and they withdrew 15% of Reids Blood supply from his Bone Marrow in his Pelvis, then spun the blood to seperate his stem cells from the red blood cells then they gave him back his Red blood cells. This took a whole day, but Reid handled it really well and the Stem Cell count was very high. Lissa, Sam ans Sophie arrived mid afternoon, thank goodness as this was Reid's main concern when he came out of the anaesthtic. We went into hospital at 7am and we got out at 6.30pm.
Wednesday 26th Reid had a CT Scan on his Lungs and a MRI on his Leg.
Thursday 27th-We didnt go to the hospital for a whole DAY!!
Friday 28th - Lissa and the kids and Dave and I went up to see Dr Tim for the results of all the tests.
1.GFR went well Reid has no probs with his Kidneys
2.Echo Cardigram went well - no probs with his heart
3.MRI showed continued shrinkage of the tumour in Reid's leg leaving calcification of the infected area. We will meet with Dr Peter Steadman (the Orthopedic Surgeon) on the 25th October to discuss what we will need to do with this area. But the very good news is the cancer is reducing and is now almost gone!
4. CT scan on Reid's lungs showed another small spot on his Right side. This is not good news. It could be bacteria from all the infections Reid has had over the past month or it could be a metastitis (Secondary Cancer). We may not know. The next cycle of chemo will get rid of it but what it means is that Reid may now have to have Radiation on his lungs down the track. This is a proceedure I am petrified of, but we need to be sure that we get all the cancer, and if Radiation is going to be our solution then we will do it. I was devastated with this news.
Mum and Dad arrived at the unit as soon as we got home and I went for a walk to clear my head. Reid was just so excited to see Barba and Ninnie that he didnt notice my anxiety. I think I cried the hardest I have ever have...if that is possible.
The next day I promised myself not to cry at all and woke with a new positive attitude. I got the family motivated and organised and we all went out on the boat for the day to celebrate Mum and Dads 40th wedding anniversary. We motored over to Peel Island soaking up the sun, and the perfect weather. It was a wonderful day.
Lissa, Luke, Sam, Sophie and Alex all left for Taroom Syunday Morning and Dad headed back to Armidale this morning. Now Mum and I are about to start the next whirlwind. Reid will have another CT scan on his lungs in 5 weeks and a decision will be made then as to how we treat them. Thank you to everyone who is following us and riding these bumps with us. I get so sad sometimes but knowing that I have so much support and love only a phonecall away means an enourmous amount. One day at a time....