Thursday, July 10, 2008


We made it! Reid is officially in remission.
Firstly I must apologise for not updating this blog sooner, but I wanted to fill the final blog with nothing but good news, so I held off for the best of the best. Thank you for your patience.
The past three months have been wonderful for Reid. We have settled back into home life and school easily and Reid has enjoyed catching up with friends and cousins and just having the luxury of sleeping in his own bed. We have had some down times when Reid fell out of wheelchair (mucking around with his friends) and broke his femur. This placed him into a spica cast from his toe to his belly (see pic). Since this was put on he has learnt to walk in it and manipulate himself quite easily around the house. He also had an ear infection whilst Mum was in charge but seemed to bounce back as a normal child would with the aid of necesarry anti-biotics.
On May 30 Reid was granted his Make-a-wish. Reid's wish was to fly in a Black hawk helicopter. This wish was granted but not in a Black Hawk, he actually had the opportunity to fly a Kiowa helicopter. He (We) had a ball. He and alex were given custom made uniforms and we were treated to a day at the Oakey Army aviation Flying School Base. There was lots of media involved so we starred on several channels and in several newspapers. The army looked after us wonderfully as did the Make-a-Wish foundation. This was truly a day we will never forget.
On the 14th June (the day after Reid broke his leg) Reid celebrated his 7th birthday. We went 10 pin bowling, and we invited his entire class. We all had a wonderful time and the people at the Bowling centre themed his party as a special treat with his favourite character...Sponge Bob!
David and I have recently returned from two weeks in Italy. We had a wonderful break and my forever suffering(but incredibly supportive) Mum took control of our off spring. Reid had broken his Femur the week before we left so I was quite nervous about leaving this heavy lump of a boy for Mum to look after but with the wonderful help from my beautiful Aunt and Sister they handled it all very easily. Reid also made it a little easier learning to walk using the cast as a support. I relaxed in 6 star luxury on a cruise ship, and only had to deal with skin dermatitis brought on by relinquishing a lot of built up stress. David contributed to the ship being drunk out of alcohol and had a wonderful time. I dont think the europeans were ready for a ship filled with Australians!! we returned home on the 2nd July without one of our suitcases....Qantas is still tracking it down..but other than that we had the most amazing time.
This past week Reid and I and alex trwkked to Brisbane for Reids scans. He had a CT on his lungs an MRI on his right leg and a full body bone scan. We stayed with some friends in Brisbane and David joined us for our appointmant with Dr Tim Hassall to receive the results yesterday (10.07.08) "ALL CLEAR" were the word Dr Tim said. So we have now been in remission since chemo finished but we only knew this as of yesterday. Our first three months are up. We go back to Royal Childrens Hospital on 20th August to see a bone density specialist and to have an x-ray on his chest. His cast stays on till September (we think). We repeat all his tests in 12 weeks and will do so for the next year.
Thank you to you all for following our journey. We are so lucky and so very thankful to everyone for all your prayers, positive thoughts, love and never ending support over the past 14 months. We have all shared this ride, and without you we would have found it far more scarier than it was. We now embark on 5 years of remission before Reid is offically cured...but the future looks to be so very bright.