Reid's leg mended very well after the removal of the last frame. He then went into a hard plastic Kaco brace to protect his leg and thank fully this was a brace from his knee down, so Reid was walking/running/climbing trees/riding his bike to school in no time! We had a wonderful summer. We went to Pa's in Sydney for Christmas and all looked bright and rosy.
Check up with Dr Steadman was scheduled at the beginning of March. He was happy with Reids leg and suggested that he now take the brace off on weekends and start walking around without it.
WOW how fantastic - until weekend two of this new found freedom.
Reid was playing outside with Alex and her friend Jessica. He bent down to pick up a ball and he heard his leg snap and I heard an almighty scream. Three screams actually, the girls were screaming just as loudly as Reid was!! When I saw Reid's leg looking quite out of place I ran to him and sat with him as the girls ran across the road to our wonderful neighbourly Doctor Parkin. Thank God he was home.Dr P had Reids leg back into some sort of place and strapped and in his car and we were at St Vincents emergency within 15mins of the break. Now thats service!!
After an x-ray it was confirmed that not only was the tibia broken but so to was the fibula! We called Dr Pincus in Brisbane, and Reid was fitted with cast No.10! A white one - which everyone signed.
Having another broken leg was devastating as we were about to begin the Easter holidays. We had a camping trip planned out at Aunty Lissa's and Uncle Luke's and then two weeks at the Gold Coast! Thankfully the wonderful staff at St. Vincents put him in a waterproof cast!
After the holidays we had another check up with Dr Steadman and he confirmed what David and I were thinking that Reid would have to have some surgery to fix this crooked leg.
Today we met with Dr Pincus and he has decided to reset Reids' leg Thursday next week (3rd June 2010). He will be re breaking Reid's leg in two places and fitting three rings on a Spacial frame. The last two frames Reid has had were only two rings, this one will require three as there will be two breaks. I will keep you all posted. x