Saturday, June 5, 2010

Operation Spacial frame No 3

Wow, we are home and only 3 days post surgery!! Reid has his new frame on and it looks pretty scary but its got an awsome job to do. Reid didn't handle the last anesthetic too well. He woke up feeling pretty groggy and due to his complete knowledge of operations and their aftermath he was not too happy with this one and started to tell the nurses that he must has been given the wrong anesthetic cos he is supposed to feel a lot better than I was called up to Recovery to calm him down as he was making a lot of noise. day two after the op the physios wanted to get him out of bed and moving. This was a slow process but once he found his new freedom (and the playroom) it was very hard to get him back into bed. This morning he was firing to go so after a shower and all his pins cleaned dr Pincus told us to go home. We may have to have some more corrective surgery in a week or so but all looks good so far. I am in need of a baileys on ice so I am signing off. I will keep you posted. Love Jo xx