Monday, September 27, 2010


Reid is growing as is Alex and time keeps ticking on but Reid's little leg continues to cause grief. Two weeks ago Reid had the bottom frame removed from his spatial frame. All looked great, and even though he had had a general anethetic Reid was back at school the very next day - barely 12 hours since the op!! He was walking and moving without crutches within the week and all looked so very good!
Then he had a fall and lots of tears and more x-rays. The xray didnt show a break but the exterior of Reid's leg was so swollen we knew something just wasnt right. We waited for the swelling to go down and hoped that the large bump would go away. Eventually my Dad stepped in and made me come to my senses and I MMS a picture to Reid's Surgeon who said " looks shithouse, come in and see me Tuesday!" Thats today.
Reid had another x-ray and this one definately showed a break. Reid's leg is now so crooked that Dr Pincus has decided to operate again on Monday. This time he will remove a small wedge of bone from his tibia and straigten the leg - thus shortening the bone (i have been told not to worry about this - "we will fix that when he stops growing")Dr Pincus will then put another frame on on the lower part of his leg similar to the last frame - Spatial Frame No.4! Break No. 11. This frame will be on for some time and we need Reid to be completely confident with it. He will need to walk lots and very soon after the op. I will let you know how he goes! x