Monday, July 16, 2007

Captain Chemo Is Doing His Job!

Before I fill you all in on the great news from today, apparently I got a couple of things wrong in my last Blog. Reid is only six and his first chemo was on the 8th June not July!

Today was long with lots of tests. But it was all worth it. His MRI showed that the tumour is reducing so the chemo is working. Apparently sometimes it doesn't. The more time I spend in this environment the more atuned I am becoming to the medical out Greys Anatomy!
We also met a fellow cancer beater, Amy L. today. Amy is a14 year old girl who also has Ewings. She has the same Oncologist and Orthopedic Surgeon as us. Her tumour was found on her pelvis. She has completed her pre surgery chemo and her surgery. All went really well. She lost a large part of her pelvis and it has been rebuilt using her left femur and titanium. The special thing about Amy is she holds 10 national titles for schoolgirl swimming! She is onto her second block of post surgery chemo and will be back in the pool in December!!!
Reids Bloods were very good today too, so we are hoping a venture back to school maybe on the cards this long as there isn't any chickenpox outbreaks!....we are due back in Brisbane to start our next block of chemo Thursday 26th July. ....tbc...


SpongeBob said...

Yippee! Yahoo! This is the best news! I haven't stopped thinking about Reid all today and have wanted to find out his results, Wow he's a little champ. When he's Amy's age no doubt he'll have an amazing story of triumph to tell not unlike hers. Welcome home will call you tomorrow xxxooo

Prior gang said...

Fantasic news!! I have never prayed so much in my life but I hope that doing so is giving you and your wonderful family some comfort.
We miss you and cant wait for you to come back to school as Mater Dei has never felt so quiet & empty.

Kick this terrible thing in the NUTS!!!! Love the prior's

The Wallaroo Newalls said...

Wonderful news, Jo!! And thank you for setting up the site/blog thingy too!!

Knight Family said...

With Kayla's help a miricale happened, i am finnaly on the computer....great to see you all at home today, it has been so lonely and empty when your not at home. Hope Reid had a great day at school. Will be in contact best wishes Love the Knight's xxoo

the morts said...

We have been thinking of you since hearing of Reid's incredible battle. It is great to read here about his positive results and your equally positive approach. You are lucky to have been given the opportunity to fight this thing. Go for it tooth and nail. Love Wendy, Charlie, Alice, Tom, Emma and Isabel

Anna Bartlett said...

Terrific news. We look forward to hearing a lot more of the same. Sorry I haven't seen you at school yet, but I've heard that Reid's been his old self there which is great. All the best for the next Bris trip later this week and see you when you get back! Love the Bartletts

Bar-Ba said...

"Roo" get better soon. Everyone at Tullimba is asking about you even Barney. Lots of love Bar-Ba.