Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Surgery Details

Reid got through his last lot of chemo really well. We got out of hospital on the Friday and had to go straight over to the Mater Hospital for another MRI. Dr Peter Steadman (Orthopedic Surgeon) wanted to see another scan before he was to make decisions on how we are going to get rid of the remaing Tumour.
Dave and Alex came down on Fiday nite and Alex stayed down Monday and Tuesday as Dave was to return for Dr Steadmans Appointment on Tuesday. She and Reid had slipped back into normal sibling conversation very quickly. We had also moved to a new abode at the Childhood Cancer Support Units in Bramston Tce so Reid and Alex now share a bunk bed and lots more space to play. We had been very happy at the Charles Wanstall Lodge but we felt that Reid needed to have as much interaction with other kids as possible so when a three bedroom unit became available, and we were notified, we took it and moved in last Thursday.
Tuesday we woke quite anxious, but eager to hear what the surgeon was to say. Our appointment was at 1.30pm at The Mater Hospital. We got there at 12.45!!
Dr Steadman was on time. We had only been in his office for 5mins and Reid was already asking if we could go! Dr Steadman had a look at Reids leg then said that he could go outside for a walk with Ninnie. Thank goodness for Mum or we wouldnt have been able to ask the zillions of questions we had written down in advance.
Bascially Dr Steadman said that Reids Tumour had shrunk considerably but it is still visible and the Tibia will have to be removed 3cm above and 3cm below the original tumour site. Luckily Reids Growth plates had not been affected by the tumour so Dr Richard Theile (a Plastic Surgeon) will take the Fibular from Reids Left leg and put it in place of the infected Tibia in his right leg. It will be screwed in place connected to blood vessels and should grow normally. Of all the evils this is a good option as we are not replacing the infected leg with a foreign object. Less chance for infection and no rejection. When we asked what about his left leg? Dr Steadman said that "God put fibulars in to be used as spare parts!" David and I were very happy with this. We were told that Reid will have considerable pain after the 8-10 hour op. He will also have a cast on both legs. His left leg cast will probably be able to be removed after two weeks and the one on his right will be there for three months and then replaced with a plastic brace to help him walk! Yay! Sounds like he will be walking close to March 08! Pretty good considering he hasnt walked since MAY 07! Reid will also commence chemo two weeks after surgery. Surgery will be done at the Wesley Hospital only because of the length of time it will take. He will be transferred to Royal Childrens Hospital if he needs to go to ICU after surgery. They dont have a childrens ICU facility at the Wesley.
I met with Dr Theille (Plastic Surgeon) today and he told me that this type of surgery has a 96% success rate. Reid will have a big scar on both his legs, and may lose some strenght in his left Big Toe, but other than this it should all be good.
Surgery is scheduled and booked for the 14th November...
Today Reid is not too good, his bloods are low and he is spitting a lot. We are due to have blood counts again on Saturday and Monday and another CT Scan next Tuesday to check the spot on his Right Lung. Lets hope we stay out of hospital this time and his bloods recover soon. I would really like to get Reid home for a break before surgery, and if this happens I will have some of his friends come to visit....he misses them all so much.


Jen said...

So glad to hear the information from the surgeon was postive. We are both thinking of you. Lots of love... Jen & Geoff.

Anna Bartlett said...

Thank God for spare parts! Keep up the good work, Reid! Joshie says a big hello!
Love Anna

Unknown said...

Hi Jo,

Just been speaking to your Mum. Hope all goes well with the op. We will say a prayer, that all goes well and this awful part of your lives will all be over soon. Reid, you and your family are in our thoughts. Hope to see you all down our neck of the woods again soon. Regards, Karen & Drewe, Callum and Dominic