Reid and I made the pilgrimage back to Brisbane last Thursday to have the Illarzarov frame removed. This time surgery was to take place at the Holy spirit Hospital in Chermside. Lovely Hospital and very quick. We went in at 11.30am, surgery was at 2pm and we were out of there by 5pm!! Not bad I thought. We stayed with friends for the night. Reid's leg was put into a plaster cast and he and his little friends enjoyed scribbling all over it that night. Kept them entertained whilst I enjoyed a glass or two of Red!
Reid recovers so quickly now from General anesthetics. In a way I feel very lucky that he has very little fear inside operating theatres; but on the other side of that thought how unfair all of this has been to him - I counted that this GA was his 8th. and This Green cast is his 10TH!!!!
The next day we went over to Royal Childrens Hospital and Scott in the Plaster room had the dubious task of removing the plaster cast. This is a procedure that Reid should be used to ...but he hates it. When the cast was removed, Dot from Orthotics moulded his leg for a new leg brace. Yep, he has to go into a new brace and this time it will go right up his leg over the knee. I will post a pic when we get it.
After he was moulded Scott replastered Reid's leg in this pretty Green colour! Reid now resembles Kermit!
The new brace should be ready in two weeks so in the meantime Reid is not allowed to swim or get the leg wet. He has open wounds under the green cast (from the pin sites on the Illarzarov)and we will have to deal with these when it is removed, hopefully all will be fine.
Reid is very well, we are so very lucky.