Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cast Number 10!

Reid and I made the pilgrimage back to Brisbane last Thursday to have the Illarzarov frame removed. This time surgery was to take place at the Holy spirit Hospital in Chermside. Lovely Hospital and very quick. We went in at 11.30am, surgery was at 2pm and we were out of there by 5pm!! Not bad I thought. We stayed with friends for the night. Reid's leg was put into a plaster cast and he and his little friends enjoyed scribbling all over it that night. Kept them entertained whilst I enjoyed a glass or two of Red!
Reid recovers so quickly now from General anesthetics. In a way I feel very lucky that he has very little fear inside operating theatres; but on the other side of that thought how unfair all of this has been to him - I counted that this GA was his 8th. and This Green cast is his 10TH!!!!
The next day we went over to Royal Childrens Hospital and Scott in the Plaster room had the dubious task of removing the plaster cast. This is a procedure that Reid should be used to ...but he hates it. When the cast was removed, Dot from Orthotics moulded his leg for a new leg brace. Yep, he has to go into a new brace and this time it will go right up his leg over the knee. I will post a pic when we get it.
After he was moulded Scott replastered Reid's leg in this pretty Green colour! Reid now resembles Kermit!
The new brace should be ready in two weeks so in the meantime Reid is not allowed to swim or get the leg wet. He has open wounds under the green cast (from the pin sites on the Illarzarov)and we will have to deal with these when it is removed, hopefully all will be fine.
Reid is very well, we are so very lucky.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Transformer No.2

We ducked and weaved the initial diagnosis back in March that Reid needed another Illarzarov frame to help his leg mend from a break he sustained in December 2007. I honestly thought his leg was getting better. He seemed to have no pain and the way he was running around, climbing trees and riding his bike, I thought I had good reason to question the two highly professional Orthopaedic surgeons looking after my son! But even though they did agree with me to begin with, the leg failed to get better so last Monday July 27th, we went back to The Wesley Hospital and had another frame attached. Reid also had to have a small bone graft to help the growth along from his right hip. The Op went very well and the original grafted bone is apparently looking very good. Dr Pincus also removed a rod that was in Reids leg from his original surgery and took out some scar tissue under his growth plate. Reid woke up from surgery very well with plenty of morphine on board. We got out of hospital on Thursday 30th July and have decided to take this week off school as well (more due to the massive influx of the Swine Flu).
We go back to Dr Pincus for a check up next Monday 10th, until then we have to get reid used to wearing a shoe...he hasn't worn a shoe on his right foot since May 2007!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2 Years GONE!

Can you believe it? It was two years ago today that David and I were told that something sinister was growing in our sons' leg! All those days spent in hospital, fighting, praying, crying, being emoitonally and physically drained seem so long ago. Its a strong, poignant memory, but one that (thankfully) is fading as I watch Reid cope easily with his day to day activities.
A month ago it was thought he would have to have another Illarzarov frame put on, as a break from December 2008 just didn't seem to want to heal. However two days before the op I phone the Orthopaedic surgeon and asked if would be possible for him to see us before the op as I thought Reid was much better. We had another x-ray and Dr Pincus compared it with the one taken a month prior - amazingly, my feelings were right and the surgery has been postponed (hopefully indefinately) We see Dr Pincus again next week for another check up, but gaging on Reid's mobility all looks great.

I drop him off and pick him up twice a week from Gymnastics!@! I know; what a full circle we have come.

Reid will continue to have MRI's and CT Scans for next few years until remission is finished (approx 4 years to go). He will see Orthopaedic surgeons for the rest of his lfe but the visits will become fewer. He will most probably walk with a limp and he may not be able to run - but with the big picture in site - who cares.
If anything changes I will update, but at the moment, David and I are celebrating our two year anniversary quietly but very happily.