Sunday, August 2, 2009

Transformer No.2

We ducked and weaved the initial diagnosis back in March that Reid needed another Illarzarov frame to help his leg mend from a break he sustained in December 2007. I honestly thought his leg was getting better. He seemed to have no pain and the way he was running around, climbing trees and riding his bike, I thought I had good reason to question the two highly professional Orthopaedic surgeons looking after my son! But even though they did agree with me to begin with, the leg failed to get better so last Monday July 27th, we went back to The Wesley Hospital and had another frame attached. Reid also had to have a small bone graft to help the growth along from his right hip. The Op went very well and the original grafted bone is apparently looking very good. Dr Pincus also removed a rod that was in Reids leg from his original surgery and took out some scar tissue under his growth plate. Reid woke up from surgery very well with plenty of morphine on board. We got out of hospital on Thursday 30th July and have decided to take this week off school as well (more due to the massive influx of the Swine Flu).
We go back to Dr Pincus for a check up next Monday 10th, until then we have to get reid used to wearing a shoe...he hasn't worn a shoe on his right foot since May 2007!

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