Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Chicken Pox must be the most potent of viruses. Reid was in contact with a little boy for one and half hours on the 23rd July. It was found later that night that this little boy had chicken pox. Reid being on Chemotherapy, had to have two enormous Gammagobulin injections in his bottom within 72 hours of reported contact. This was done 12pm on the 24th July. Reid then went to Brisbane and contacted Influenza A. He was barraged with three types of anti biotics intraveneously for five days. When he got out of hospital he continued to take 500mg of (Valtrex) another anti viral anti biotic three times a day for 10 days. He then returned to hospital commenced Chemotherapy. Three days of being filled with highly toxic chemo drugs which made all his eyelashes fall out and lose another kilo in weight. Not only this but Reid then had to suffer another five days in hospital trying to rid his body of Mucositis (Ulcers in his mouth and throat) caused by the chemotherapy. He had another dose of several anti biotics over this time. Finally on the 20th August Reid had got through the 28 days of isolation due to his Chicken Pox (and Influenza A). On the 21st August we were allowed to go home! On the 23rd August we were admitted into St Vincents Hospital in Toowoomba with High Temps and at 12am on the 24th August ( Day 32 since contact) Reid started to break out in Chicken Pox!
People who are not on chemotherapy only have a gestation period of 21 days, when you are on chemo you have to stay isolated for 28 days. Until recently, Chicken Pox is highly potent to Chemo kids. With the introduction of new anti biotics (namely Acyclovia) fatalities are very few with chemo kids contracting chicken pox. Sadly this was not the case not so long ago. So you can say that Reid was lucky!!??! Reid’s chicken pox was only mild, and it looks like we will be able to line up for more chemo as scheduled this Friday.


David took the opportunity to have the Nose tube inserted during this hospital visit. This was a procedure that I seemed to continue to put off. Reid dreaded it, Mum dreaded it and I most of all,.. dreaded it. But thankfully David stepped in and took control out of my hands and was with him when he had it done. Dad wanted it done as he could see that our little boy was wasting away. Within three days of continuous feeds, Reid looks like a different kid. He is hungry again. You would think that by putting food into an empty tummy you would never want to eat again; but it has the opposite effect. Reid was probably at the stage when the mind actually forgets what it feels like to be hungry, so by having the gastric juices moving again this feeling of new energy and vitality was good so it triggers the mind to want to eat again. I can honestly say that I have seen Reid eat more in the last four days that he has in the entire 3 months! He looks so good (even without the hair and eyelashes!). He is so much happier with so much more energy. And after the past month he has had….thank you God. Something good had to come out of this…..tbc.PS we got out of hospital today (28th August 2007).

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

8 Days Home...I Hope!

Reid and I arrived back home yesterday (21.08.07) at around 2pm. Reid was last home July 25th. In the past month he has been in and out of hospital three times for three seperate things. The first being Influenza A, the second being Chemo and the third for Mucositis. Over the past month Reid has had three blood transfusions, one platelets transfusion, countless Anti-biotics, litres of fluids, toxic chemotherapy, and mostly all in isolation as we had been in contact with Chicken Pox so we were a threat for 28 days!
Reid lost weight again after this lot of chemo and a dietitian spoke to me at length about getting the "Tube". This is a feeding tube inserted into the kids noses and down into their stomaches so that they can be fed high protein/fat meals regularly. On the good side all Reids Oral Meds can be given via the tube so he doesnt have to worry about yucky medicines anymore. Looking at Reid we can see that he needs this, but he is absolutely petrified of the procedure. I actually think he would prefer 100 needles in preference to getting this done. I enquired about going under anaethetic for it but this is rarely done unless he has some surgery scheduled. Anyway, no doubt it will happen when we get back to Brisbane.
I am writing this whilst monitoring Reid's temp as it seems to be up a little. We are told that if the temp goes to 38 or above on 2 seperate occasions we are to go straight to emergency. Perhaps his little body is just adjusting itself to Toowoomba!
Today is a little cool and windy but not as bad as last time we were home, I am so paranoid of germs so I am keeping Reid pretty close to home for this stay so we have a clear run for cycle 4 scheduled for the 31st August.
Mum will come back on Wednesday the 29th and then we will head down to Brisbane on the 30th. Reid needs a chest x-ray, and blood tests done so we can proceed on the Friday.
After this lot of chemo we will have the Stem Cell Harvest, Another set of scans for Disease Evaluation, and a meeting with the Orthopedic Surgeon to discuss the type of surgery Reid will need in November. So we have a big month in September. I will keep you posted...love all your messages! thanx xxx

Thursday, August 16, 2007

17th August 2007

I am updating this page from The Wonder Factory at the Royal Childrens Hospital in Brisbane. Reid now has Mucositis. Which is the inflamation of the lining in the oesophargus and mouth caused by chemotherapy. He was also in need of PAC Cells (Red Blood Cells) and Platelets. And on top of that, due to the ulcers (Mucositis) he was dehydrated. So we were readmitted yesterday and will be in for the next couple of days.
Reids 4th lot of chemo is now scheduled for around the 29th August. We are hoping to get home for a brief stay before this commences. Dave and Alex and Dad are coming down tonite and the Mum and Dad will head off tomorrow...I think!
Reid is pretty low at the moment, and is missing his friends, his cousins, his home and believe it or not....his sister!
We got the official report from the MRI done 16th July and it was very positive. Reid's tumour is not in the growth plates and there seems to be only one spot. The bone marrow in his knee is also clear. We will have another MRI after the fourth lot of chemo. We will also have the stem cell harvest (put off from our contact with Chicken Pox) and we will also meet with the Orthopedic Surgeon to decide on what type of surgery Reid will need.
Now that I know that I can acess the computer here at the hospital, I will keep the page up to date. One day at a time......(I just wish I could live by that phrase!)