Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Chicken Pox must be the most potent of viruses. Reid was in contact with a little boy for one and half hours on the 23rd July. It was found later that night that this little boy had chicken pox. Reid being on Chemotherapy, had to have two enormous Gammagobulin injections in his bottom within 72 hours of reported contact. This was done 12pm on the 24th July. Reid then went to Brisbane and contacted Influenza A. He was barraged with three types of anti biotics intraveneously for five days. When he got out of hospital he continued to take 500mg of (Valtrex) another anti viral anti biotic three times a day for 10 days. He then returned to hospital commenced Chemotherapy. Three days of being filled with highly toxic chemo drugs which made all his eyelashes fall out and lose another kilo in weight. Not only this but Reid then had to suffer another five days in hospital trying to rid his body of Mucositis (Ulcers in his mouth and throat) caused by the chemotherapy. He had another dose of several anti biotics over this time. Finally on the 20th August Reid had got through the 28 days of isolation due to his Chicken Pox (and Influenza A). On the 21st August we were allowed to go home! On the 23rd August we were admitted into St Vincents Hospital in Toowoomba with High Temps and at 12am on the 24th August ( Day 32 since contact) Reid started to break out in Chicken Pox!
People who are not on chemotherapy only have a gestation period of 21 days, when you are on chemo you have to stay isolated for 28 days. Until recently, Chicken Pox is highly potent to Chemo kids. With the introduction of new anti biotics (namely Acyclovia) fatalities are very few with chemo kids contracting chicken pox. Sadly this was not the case not so long ago. So you can say that Reid was lucky!!??! Reid’s chicken pox was only mild, and it looks like we will be able to line up for more chemo as scheduled this Friday.


David took the opportunity to have the Nose tube inserted during this hospital visit. This was a procedure that I seemed to continue to put off. Reid dreaded it, Mum dreaded it and I most of all,.. dreaded it. But thankfully David stepped in and took control out of my hands and was with him when he had it done. Dad wanted it done as he could see that our little boy was wasting away. Within three days of continuous feeds, Reid looks like a different kid. He is hungry again. You would think that by putting food into an empty tummy you would never want to eat again; but it has the opposite effect. Reid was probably at the stage when the mind actually forgets what it feels like to be hungry, so by having the gastric juices moving again this feeling of new energy and vitality was good so it triggers the mind to want to eat again. I can honestly say that I have seen Reid eat more in the last four days that he has in the entire 3 months! He looks so good (even without the hair and eyelashes!). He is so much happier with so much more energy. And after the past month he has had….thank you God. Something good had to come out of this…..tbc.PS we got out of hospital today (28th August 2007).


The Wallaroo Newalls said...

Hi Jo,

Boy, talk about a roller coaster ride! Great response with the tube!

Lots of love,
P.C.J and H.

dan-kel said...

Hi Jo,
Seems that you are jumping from one thing to another, glad to see that you have alot of support, we are thingking of you all.
Lots of Love Dan and Kel

Melea & co said...

We are thinking of you everyday,and sending you all of our love.I am so inspired by your amazing strength.The smiley fotos of Reid are brilliant.
Melea & co xxxxxxxxx

Miller Fam said...

Hi Jo, Davis, Reid & Alex,
Have been keeping up to date via your blog and thru Senior O'Sheas. Glad to hear of feeding tube success. Loving your +ve attitude. Keeping you all on or prayer lists at MHOC School. Posary beads getting huge workout this month!!!
Michaela, Kev, Oscar & Gabe XOXOXOXO

Miller Fam said...

OOPS!!! typo David! Sorry :-)

cappmontel said...

just got back today and checked out the blog, Reid looks much better and he (and you all) must be so comforted by feeling hungry again
we are sending you lots of love over the globe for the next session
go by mum's rule, one day at a time ........
lots of hugs and kisses julia, denis and henny penny

sarah.cambo said...

Hi Reid,

How is Captain Chemo going? I liked looking at all your photos. I can't wait to see you back at school.

Your mate Finn Campbell

The Hibbards said...

Hi Jo,David, Alex and Reid,

We are reading your web page with interest + concern.We hope that the rest of the chemo goes well.
Jo+David we are amazed at the wonderful attitude u always have.
Also Jo loved seeing your smiling face @ school today sorry we couldn't chat hopefully soon.
Love & prayers Hibbard family.