Friday, December 21, 2007

Its Christmas!

I didn't send one Christmas card this year, and of all the years that I should have this was it. So I apologise for the lack of stamped greeting and can only offer you all my love and heartfelt thanks for everything via the good ole internet...very impersonal.
Reid would like to pass on his thank yous to all his friends and all the adults who did lots of prayers for him, cos' they worked!!
Now for the update, Reid walked for the first time yesterday since May! He had the aid of a walker but he took the steps, held his weight and moved approximately two meters. David and I are so proud of him. We have been goiong to Physio three times a week since we have been at home and the sessions have obviously paid off.
Mum and Dad and Malcolm (Dave's Dad) will be here for christmas and we are so looking forward to having a really relaxing time with them.
Reid and I will head back to Royal children's Hospital on New Years Eve to have Chemo #8. We will be in hospital for two nites and three days then we come back home again. Hopefully Reid will handle this next lot of Chemo as well as he did the last one. He only needed one Platelets transfusion!
I would like to wish you all a very safe and healthy holiday break, lots of love and a wonderful Christmas. Love Jo xxx


The Wallaroo Newalls said...

Hi Jo, David, Alex and Reid,

Sorry that we've been slack with contact, but we have been monitoing things and it's all such a wonderful outcome. Obviously still so much to be done and to get through, but so much achieved!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Lots of love,

ninnie said...

I am now a blogger. hope you are
doing your exercises reid good boy
love from all