Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Next Chapter

Being home has been the best thing for both Reid and I. And I am sure the time that Mum has had back at Tullimba has rejuvenated her too! Dave, Reid and I went down to Brisbane last Thursday to have a check up with Dr Theile (the Plastic Surgeon) and with Dr Tim (the Oncologist) to get the plan for our next emotional ride. Both Specialists were happy with how Reid is recovering. His wounds are healing well with only one site of concern on his bad leg. This is a operation blister that is still healing, however we are going to go ahead with chemo and watch the blister closely.
Alex has been so good for Reid and their little relationship seems to have grown. Yes they still fight and call each other names but Reid adores his big sister and askes her to stay home every day to play with him. I am sure she would prefer to stay at home too but she has missed so many days this year that I just felt she needed to end the year on a strong note. Despite all the upheaval she has had she has done really well with Grade three and is so excited to be moving into Grade four next year.
Chemo Number 7 starts Monday (3rd December) 9am. This next 8 lots of treatment is not as intense as the last 6 ; with only 2 and a half days of chemo instead of 3 and a half. Thats about the only difference. The blocks are still 21 days long, so our next block is due to fall on Christmas Eve...but Dr Tim said we will put it back to the 27th December so we can have Christmas at home! Yay!!! Reid will have to have another CT scan on his lungs at some stage to make sure there isnt any spots so radiation has not yet been ruled out.
Mum and Dad arrived yesterday and Dad will head back today. Mum, Reid and I will leave home early tomorrow morning to beat the traffic and begin our next chapter. Hopefully all going well we should be finished by June??!!! Please keep all your prayers and positive thoughts constant. I will keep everyone posted. xx

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