We no longer have an address in Brisbane...well for the moment anyway. we went back as planned on the 3rd December and started Chemo No.7. Dr Tim said to us that all going well he could see no reason not to go Home when chemo was finished on Wednesday. I said "Do you mean Home Home??" and he said "yes", well I was a little shocked with this news and expressed my concerns with Reid being neutropenic, etc and he said that we would be able to handle it and we could liase with St Vincents in Toowoomba for blood counts, transfusions as needed. Well this was new.Reid was pretty sick for Monday and he slept most of Tuesday. However as soon as we had the dreaded GCSF injection 3pm on Wednesday we were out of Banksia and on our way back to CCS (our Unit). On Wednesday we had an X-Ray just to check how Reids Leg was looking, now these are pretty scary pictures. Thursday we had an appointment with Dr Steadman (Reids main Orthopedic Surgeon) who said that he was pleased with how Reid was doing but he wants him up and walking for Christmas. Reid burst into tears, as he is absolutely petrified of walking. He organised us to meet with Noelle Coleman the following week, a nurse at RCH who specialises in Frames and pin care (Reid has 12 pin sites in his leg - 6 actual pins). On Friday we packed and cleaned the Unit. We also went up to the Hospital as it was Party day! This is a day the hospital does every year and each of the wards has to decorate themselves to a particular theme. This year Banksia did "A Fair Dinkum Christmas" and won the award for best child involvement, we built a Ute, a Bar-B-Q and a few surfboards. Reid wasn't too helpful but some of the other kids had a ball. reid's school had had a fund raiser to go towards a party for the kids and some of the funds were used on this day. Every child I saw this day was grinning from ear to ear.
We made a new friend this time we were in and it helped us realise how lucky we are. Josh and his Dad came in on Monday night with suspected Lymphoma. Josh was very chatty and full of beans, a wonderful little boy who instantly won my and Mum's hearts. I could not help compare him to how Reid was at that stage of his road. As it turned out on Wednesday he was told that he did have Lymphoma and started his chemo journey straight away. What a Christmas they are about to have. So here we are on the road to recovery and here is a little 5 year old boy just about to start his. No child should have to endure this s--t!
We got home to Toowoomba late Friday afternoon and spent the weekend unpacking...holy smokes did we have some stuff!
Monday I knew that Reid would need a blood count done, and just as I was talking to Sullivan and Nicolaides to come around and collect blood Reid had a nose bleed. It was very heavy and lasted half and hour. This is a tell tale sign that he is low on Platelets. S and N came round and did a finger prick test (as they are unable to acess Reid's central Line and there was no way in this world that Reid was going to let them give him a needle)they sent the blood off to the lab and we made our first return day trip to RCH. When we got there we headed to Orthopedics to meet Noelle (the Pins Expert). She was an Angel, and showed me how to care for Reids pin sites relatively pain free,(I had endured the last three weeks with being abused on a daily basis, as the care I had been instructed to do was unnesecsary). We then went up to Banksia and had a Reids' Central Line care done and he was hooked up for Platelets. This only takes and hour, so as they were being done, Kylie (our Physio) came to outpatients and got Reid standing for the very first time on his good leg since the op. He screamed the place down but felt triumphant with his achievement. We headed home exhausted.
Wednesday (today) 13th December, Reid, Alex and I made our second pilgramage to the Big smoke. Today we had to have a blood count done again at 12pm which came back ok, considering he had another nose bleed this morning I was quite surprised. We then went down to Physio to see Kylie for some more hard work to try and get Reid up on his feet. He spent the first half an hour screaming his lungs out saying he couldn't do it and that he was scared; that time seemed to stand still. I was beside myself with anger, frustration and panic...eventually through sheer determination Kylie and her wonderful assistant Kate got Reid on his foot....still no weight bearing on his bad foot but at least we got him up.
We then went over to the Wesley to see Dr Pincus (The Orthopod responsible for the frame). He spoke directly to Reid and showed him how strong the frames were by standing on one in his office. He jumped up and down on this meatl thing in his RM's and even had me convinced! He then also explained to me that normally, kids are given time before an operation to get used to the fact that they are going to have one of these frames and that usually prepares them for what lies ahead. Whereas Reid woke up after the op expecting to see his leg in a cast and to his horror saw a "Transformer" attached! This fear will take sometime to work with, but he now knows that he has to walk on it as soon as possible so that he can get the thing off! Ihate the saying...but it really is "one day at a time..."
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Hi Jo,
The sustained courage & strength you have shown is amazing.It's good news that Reid was able to stand.Even though as you say - still a day at a time it's reassuring that you are now over the other side of the mountain.Our thoughts & prayers are with you always.
Love Nicki Col & boys
Jo, David, Reid & Alex
I found your site as I was googling my sister (Rachael Welsh) and I have been amazed by your story. Your strength and endurance are to be admired. My eldest is only a year younger than Reid and it is frightning how quickly things moved for you. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and best of luck for the New Year.
Emma Hoos
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